
Blue book


The "blue book" emoji, represented by a closed blue book with a cover, is commonly used to symbolize knowledge, learning, education, and intellectual pursuits. It serves as an ideal way to convey one's enthusiasm for reading, studying, or being involved in academic activities. This emoji can also be used to refer to books, literature, libraries, or any related topics.

The blue book emoji was added to the Unicode Standard in 2010 as part of Unicode 6.0. Since its creation, it has been widely adopted and used across various platforms and messaging applications. The design features a solid blue cover, representing the typical appearance of hardcover books.

Did you know?

Did you know that the blue book emoji is often used metaphorically to express a lack of knowledge or ignorance on a particular subject? In such cases, it can be employed humorously to indicate the need for further research or study. Furthermore, this emoji may also be used by bookworms, literature lovers, or students to share their passion for reading and encourage others to delve into the world of books.